PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk - Bank BTPN is a fast growing private - owned financial companies in Indonesia. The Company engaged in banking servises and established in 1958 with the of Bank Pegawai Pensiunan Militer ( Bapemil ). In 1986 the Bank renamed to the current name and in 2008 the bank listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange ( IDX ). TPG Nusantara S. a. r. l, a subsidiary of US global private equity, Texas Pacific Group Capital, become the controlling shareholders of Bank BTPN with 57. 87 % shares. The Company ' s main office located in Jakarta and currently operated 1, 056 branch offices in 234 cities spread across Indonesia. The Bank ' s business segment consist of funding business, pension business, micro & small business, and sharia business.Like a coin has two sides are inseparable, the empowerment program elements are integrated with our business model.Through the business that we run, we provide access, information and education that could help them to achieve that desire.
Bank BTPN invite highly motivated people not unlike you to appear as lump of our team as:
Personal Banker Development Program (Code : PBDP 2012)
- Hold min. Bachelor Degree (S-1) from the leading universities in Jakarta with GPA> 2.75
- Fresh graduate or have 1 year experience with age max. 26 years old
- Love a challenge and target oriented
- Have good communication skills
- Good looking and confident
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