Selasa, 01 Mei 2012

Tips Penulisan CV - How to write Curriculum Vitae (CV)

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Minggu, 16 Maret 2025
Curriculum Vitae (CV) or Daftar Riwayat Hidup is often also referred to Resume. When you apply for a job very effectively identical to the CV. CV writing is a reflection of the owner of the CV yourself, what you write on the CV are then other people can see and judge yourself. Because it is a good CV can lead you to success. It is quite important to remember is that a good CV will always attract the attention of the proposed company. From the CV will be illustrated how the figure CV is the owner, for example, have motivation, personality, liveliness, experience, skills and breadth of interests. Here are some tips for companies willing to glance at your CV.

How Writing. Many people are still confused about CV writing, by hand or using a computer. There are no definite provisions on how to write it. However, in accordance with current technological developments are many companies that accept CV via email, then you should type in your CV using the computer. If this is the company you are applying to receive CV via post maybe you can still try to write a CV by hand, because there are still some companies that want to know you through the CV writing skills that created. There are also companies that provide CV must be handwritten or typed by the computer.

Language Writing. Make sure that you know about a company you apply for and use English for writing CV's for a foreign company or a reputable company based in the big city, make sure the CV is written correctly with proper grammar and respectful so as to create a positive impression for the recipient CV .

Give complete information. Give detailed information about yourself and not long-winded. Include if you have the skills and interests that you are good because it will be an advantage for you. Briefly describe your work experience for those who have already worked. Includes data from work, the name and location of company, position and job description of each job. Arrange with a coherent work that most of the year until the most recent job. Because work experience is one important thing to consider. If you have a working lives only briefly in several companies, prepare a good reason why you stopped working. Because the company will strongly consider if you have, short track record in several companies.

Things to keep in mind is that a good CV will make it easier in gaining employment, and therefore create a CV that describes the figure of yourself as the best.

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